
Friday, January 20, 2012

{ Setting up the venue in Bay Street Café }

I learned a lot!! on this setup for coming Trans-Pacific art show…

It was impressive to see that my colleague artists were very careful about the location, height and placing of the frames. They got a lot of good ideas considering the colors and sizes for selecting the locations. We considered over and over again before placing for each piece. 

The big pieces (mainly Kimi’s and Trina’s) were rather easier because of not so many options but the small pieces were sometimes difficult.  Besides mine, I was fully responsible for placing Shingo’s series of artworks and it turned out pretty attractive on the black wall in the center of the venue, which I think the best location!! ^^;; 

As a matter of fact, we were there for 4 – 5 hours until 10PM!! Special thanks for the young gentleman Mr. Davin who helped a lot for many of the difficult tasks to hang our items on the wall. 

4 of the trans-pacific bay area side artists
(since Yukie went home earlier) + Mr. Davin, the local artist

Davin and Trina putting Kimi's art



絵画をつるすラックなどは店主のLotfiさんと近所の商店主のJodiさんの両氏が準備してくださったていたので、私たちは絵をつるすことに専念できました。友人たちは、かなりこだわりのある、っというか、随分と良いアイデアがあるのだと感心しました。私は、日本の芸術家のAkiyama Shingoさんの作品展示を担当して、良い場所に魅力的な配置ができたかと自負しております。作品展示には、地元芸術家のDavinさんの助太刀で、力仕事や難しい仕事もサッサと終わり、出来栄えには皆が満足したと思います。



I will post the other artists' work after the opening ceremony!



Morning Coffee

Lake Chabot

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