
Monday, August 29, 2011

{ Gorgeous afternoon @ Stanford Art Museum }


My artist friend invited us to go together to see “book art exhibition” at Stanford University Cantor Art Center. The place is famous for Stanford family’s large collection of Rodin sculptures. As well as Rodin, we could see some of anthropologic art collections from Egypt, Africa, and then modern art.   Her son is a best friend of my son while they studied at Delphi Academy so that we try to get together once in a while for them.  We tried to teach what are they in those books and however, 2 boys are too happy to see each other running around in and out of the gallery space. There was an outside objet boys really liked, which was a huge maze-like rusty metal architecture we can actually walk through inside. 


Cantor Art Center, Stanford University



One of Rodin room

The Gates of Hell

Egyptian Art

I normally dislike contemporary art...I like old style, but kids like this panda art and asked me to take a photo.

Tiny magnet men, boys bought in the museum shop.

A huge rusty piece of metal objet actually can go inside...


A very European style campus building, there must be a lot of young people in the campus on week days but the day was on Sunday. So quiet that only a few families nearby, dogs and tourists can be seen.

My friend brought scooters for kids so they can play after the museum. The boys are very good at scooters. They are not tired at all!


See more pictures in art journal ~ { kimi kobashi }

1 comment:

  1. 風花7さん、すてきな写真シェアして下さってありがとうございます。私も美術館まで訪れた気分です!スタンフォード大のこの辺り、私も大好きです。この近く、ショッピングセンターから言うと、Andronico's Market(閉店になったみたいですね)から道を渡ってちょっと中に入ったところに、サボテンがいっぱい植えてあるところがあるんですよ。家族で時々散歩してました。
